Portmanteau also known as 'frakenword' is pronounced as pɔːtˈmæn.təʊ.This word was coined by Lewis Caroll in his book 'Looking Through the Glass'. A portmanteau or portmanteaux is formed when we combine two words. A best example is that of our blog. The name of the blog is a portmanteau which is formed when we add Facts and Emporium together. This forms 'Factorium' or an emporium of facts. Here is a list of some Portmanteaus:
1. Alphabet: Alpha + Beta
2. Spork: Spoon + Fork
3. Liger: Lion + Tiger
4. Smog: Smoke and Fog
5. Hinglish: Hindi + English
6. Emoction: Emotion + Icon
7. Brunch: Breakfast + Lunch
8. Pixel: Picture + Element
9. Outpatient: Outside + Patient
10. Motel: Motor+ Hotel
11. Animatronics: Animation + Electronics
12. Modem: Modulator + Demodulator
13. Telecast: Television + Broadcast
14. Transistor: Transfer + Resistor
15. Joggling: Jogging + Juggling
16. Alphanumeric: Alphabetic + Numeric
17. Cellophane: Cellulose + Diaphane
18.Motorcade: Motor + Cavalcade
19. WiFi: Wireless + Fidelity
20. Blog: Web + Log
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