2. Sailor, Dead Leaf, Paper Kite, Blue Striped Crow, Julia and Great Egg Fly... wondering what these are? Names of Butterflies!!
3. Aegilops, 8 letters long, is the longest word with its letters arranged in alphabetical order.
4. Insects do not make noises with their voices. The noise of bees, mosquitoes and other buzzing insects is caused by rapidly moving their wings.
5. In 1883, the explosion of the volcano Krakatoa put so much dust into the Earth's atmosphere that sunsets appeared green and the moon appeared blue around the world for almost 2 years.
6. How do reindeers survive in the extreme cold? By eating moss! The moss contains a special chemical that helps reindeer keep their body fluids warm. When the reindeer make their yearly journey across the icy Arctic region, the chemical keeps them from freezing!
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