Further Exploration of the Factorium

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Classmate Facts # 127 - And That's a Record?

1. The world’s largest weather vane sits on the shores of White Lake in Montague, Michigan. It is 48 feet tall with a 26 foot wind arrow and adorned with a 14 foot replica of a 19th Century Great Lakes schooner!

2. The largest bowling center in the world is the Tokyo World Lanes Bowling Center with 252 bowling lanes!

3. One of the longest sentences is in Victor Hugo’s Les Miserable, 823 words without a period!

4. The biggest swimming pool in the world opened in Toronto, Ontario in 1925! 300 feet by 75 feet it can hold 2000 swimmers and is still in operation!

5. The longest Monopoly game ever played was 1,680 hours long, that’s 70 straight days!

6. A tennis ball was volleyed back and forth 2001 times by Howard Kinsey and Mrs. R. Roark!

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