Further Exploration of the Factorium

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

The following are the 6 lists that are lined up for today. These are miscellaneous lists:

a) List of European Union Sovereign States by Largest Area:
1.France, 2.Spain, 3.Sweden, 4.Germany, 5.Finland, 6.Poland, 7.Italy, 8.United Kingdom, 9.Romania, 10.Greece.

b) List of European Union Sovereign States by Highest Population:
1.Germany, 2.France, 3.United Kingdom, 4.Italy, 5.Spain, 6.Poland, 7.Romania, 8.Netherlands, 9.Greece, 10.Belgium.

c) List of Sovereign States by Highest Life Expectancy:
1.Andorra, 2.Japan, 3.Singapore, 4.San Marino, 5.Hong Kong, 6.Australia, 7.Canada, 8. France, 9.Sweden, 10.Switzerland.

d) List of Sovereign States by Least Life Expectancy:
1.Swaziland, 2.Angola, 3.Zambia, 4.Lesotho, 5.Mozambique, 6.Sierra Leone, 7.Liberia, 8.Djibouti, 9.Malawi, 10.Central African Republic.

e) List of Sovereign States by Highest Number of Billionaires:
1.United States, 2.China, 3.Russia, 4.Germany, 5.India, 6.United Kingdom, 7.Turkey, 8.Hong Kong, 9.Canada, 10.Japan.

f) List of Sovereign States by Number of English Speakers:
1.United States, 2.India, 3.Nigeria, 4.United Kingdom, 5.Phillippines, 6.Germany, 7.Canada, 8.France, 9.Australia, 10.Pakistan.

I feel that 7 days are not enough to display even 0.1 % of the facts of the entire world, so the facts, figures and statistics posted in the last 7 days are just a small fraction of the innumerable facts on the world, and are also the most obvious ones. There will be more facts about the world in the later months to come....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

As mentioned yesterday, some random lists will be posted for the next 2 days (today and tomorrow). There are no figures accompanying the names as there is more or less no exact data for it, therefore only the names with the respective numbers are given in the below lists for today all concerning Population Densities:

a) List of Sovereign States with the Highest Population Density:
1.Monaco, 2.Singapore, 3.Hong Kong, 4.Vatican City, 5.Malta, 6.Bangladesh, 7.Bahrain, 8.Maldives, 9.Mauritius, 10.Barbados.

b) List of Sovereign States with Least Population Density:
1.Mongolia, 2.Namibia, 3.Australia, 4.Iceland, 5.Suriname, 6.Mauritiana, 7.Botswana, 8.Canada, 9.Guyana, 10.Libya.

c) List of Dependant Islands or Terretories with Highest Population Density:
1.Macau, 2.Gibraltar, 3.Bermuda, 4.Guernsey, 5.Jersey, 6.Palestinian Terretories, 7.Saint-Martin, 8.Aruba, 9.Mayotte, 10.Puerto Rico.

d) List of Dependant Islands or Terretories with Least Population Density:
1.Greenland, 2.Falkland Islands, 3.Western Sahara, 4.French Guiana, 5.Niue, 6.New Caledonia, 7.Pitcairn Islands, 8.South Ossetia, 9.Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 10.Somaliland.

e) List of Cities with Highest Population Density:
1.Manila (Phillippines), 2.Bogor (Indonesia), 3.Titagarh (India), 4.Baranagar (India), 5.Serampore (India), 6.Pateros (Phillippines), 7.Delhi (India), 8.South Dumdum (India), 9.Kamarhati (India), 10.Kolkata (India).

f) List of Cities with Least Population Density:
1.Khardaha (India), 2.Dafni (Greece), 3.Seoul (South Korea), 4.Patna (India), 5.Sylhet (Bangladesh), 6.Rishra (India), 7.Male (Maldives), 8.Panihati (India), 9.Saint-Gilles (Belgium), 10.Allahabad (India).

6 more lists are lined up for tomorrow.....

Monday, March 29, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

Today we will see some quick facts on the remainder of the continents. The list is being restarted from 1:

1. Antartica: World's 5th Largest Continent; It is the Least Populous Continent with only about 1000-3000 People residing temporarily; No sovereign states in this continent, only 8 terretories: that of UK, New Zealand, France, Norway, Australia, Norway, Chile and Argentina.

2. Europe: World's 6th Largest Continent; 3rd Most Populous Continent (9% of the total world population); Country with the Largest Area: Russia; Country with the Smallest Area: Vatican City; Most Populated Country: Russia.

3. Oceania: World's Smallest Continent also referred to as Australia; 6th Most Populous Continent (4% of total world population); Country with the Largest Area: Australia; Country with the Smallest Area: Nauru; Most Populated Country: Australia.

For the next 2 days, we will see some random lists on the countries of the world (our current topic).

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

Well, I mentioned some elementary facts about the continents yesterday, let us see some quick statistics about these continents for the next 2 days, today we will see about the first 4 largest continents. These facts are very basic and elementary:

1. Asia: World's Largest Continent (8.6% of total area); Most Populous Continent (about 60 % of total world population); Country with the Largest Area: Russia; Country with the Smallest Area: Maldives; Most Populated Country: China.

2. Africa: World's 2nd Largest Continent (6% of total area); 2nd Most Populous Continent (about 14.72% of total world population); Country with the Largest Area: Sudan; Country with the Smallest Area: Seychelles; Most Populated Country: Nigeria.

3. North America: World's 3rd Largest Continent (4.8% of total area); 4th Most Populous Continent (about 8% of total world population); Country with the Largest Area: Canada; Country with the Smallest Area: British Virgin Islands; Most Populated Country: United States of America.

4. South America: World's 4th Largest Continent (3.5% of total area); 5th Most Populous Country (about 5.95% of total world population); Country with the Largest Area: Brazil; Country with the Smallest Area: Falkland Islands; Most Populated Country: Brazil.

Tomorrow we will have similar quick facts on the other 3 continents (Oceania, Europe and Antartica). Please do comment on this post if anything is wrong because there are some political controversies involved in the content of this fact.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

Today we will see a brief sketch on quick facts on the World (which is our subject for the week). This fact will go into the formation of the world that exists today and may be a little sort of elementary.

The world as it is of today divided into continents which are composed of countries, was earlier a single supercontinent called Pangaea as you all may know. It further split into Gondwana (the name given to a southern precursor supercontinent) and Laurasia (the name given to the Northern supercontinent). After further splits, the resultant land formations came to be known as Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Australasia, Europe and Antartica i.e today's continents.

As of today, there are 203 Sovereign States in the world, out of these 194 are widely recognised states and the rest of them too are Sovereign States but are not widely recognised by other states. The list given below shows the number of Sovereign States or countries per continent including the de facto sovereign states (States which are not widely recognised by other sovereign states). The continents are listed as per their size in sq.km:

1. Asia: 49 countries
2. Africa: 53 countries
3. North America: 23 countries
4. South America: 12 countries
5. Antartica: (no sovereign states)
6. Europe: 50 countries
7. Oceania: 16 countries

As there are some political controversies involved in the fact, please be free to comment on this fact, if anything is wrong.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

Today we will see the remaining types of governments and their subtypes. The governments concerned will be Anarchism and Democracy. First let us see what they are:

Anarchism is a Political Philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or Anarchy. Democracy is a Political Government carried out either directly by the people or by means of elected representatives of the people.

Subtypes of Anarchism:
1. Anarchist Communism
2. Libertarian Socialism
3. Libertarian Municipalism
4. Anarcho-Syndicalism
5. Green Anarchism
6. Isocracy
7. Local Government
8. Minarchism

Subtypes of Democracy:
1. Consociationalism
2. Deliberative Democracy
3. Democratic Socialism
4. Dictatorship of the Proletariat
5. Direct Democracy
6. Futarchy
7. Participatory Democracy
8. Representative Democracy
a) Parliamentary Democracy
(i) Consensus Government
(ii) Westminster System
b) Polyarchy
c) Presidential System
d) Semi-Presidential System
9. Republicanism
a) Constitutional Republic
b) Parliamentary Republic
c) Slaterism
10. Totalitarian Democracy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships

For the next week, we will see some facts concerning The Republics, Monarchies and Dictatorships i.e all the countries (or the World). For the next 2 days we will see the different forms of the Government. Today we will see something about Authoriatarian Government and Anarchy (both are forms of government) including their Various Subtypes. First let us briefly see what exactly is an Authoriatarian and Anarchy:

Authoritarianism describes a form of government characterized by an emphasis on the authority of state in a republic or union. It is a political system controlled by typically non-elected rulers who usually permit some degree of individual freedom. Anarchy refers to no rulership or enforced authority (absence of the Government).

Subtypes of Authoriatarian Government:
1. Aristrocracy
2. Communist state
3. Corporatism
4. Despotism
5. Diarchy
6. Dictatorship
a) Military Dictatorship
b) Stratocracy
c) Enlightened Absolutism
7. Kleptocracy
8. Monarchy
a) Absolute Monarchy
b) Constitutional Monarchy
c) Despotism
d) Duchy
i) Grand Duchy
f) Elective Monarchy
g) Hereditary Monarchy
h) Popular Monarchy
i) Principality
j) New Monarchs
k) Self Proclaimed Monarchy
9. Plutocracy
a) Timocracy
10. Police State
11. Theocracy
12. Tyranny

Subtypes of Anarchy:
1. Ochlocracy
2. Tribalism

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nobel Firsts

Today we have another 'Nobel List' concerning the people who have won the 2nd Nobel Prize i.e the prize after the Inaugural Nobel in their Respective fields:

1. Physics: It was shared between Hendrik Antoon Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena.

2. Chemistry: It was won by Hermann Emil Fischer in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses.

3. Physiology or Medicine: It was won by Ronald Ross for his work on malaria, in which he showed how it enters the organism.

4. Literature: It was won by Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen for his monumental historical work 'A history of Rome'.

5. Peace: It was shared by Élie Ducommun and Charles Albert Gobat of Sitzerland who were both the Honorary Secretaries of the Permanent International Peace Bureau, Bern, Switzerland.

6. Economics: It was won by Paul Samuelson for the scientific work through which he has developed static and dynamic economic theory and actively contributed to raising the level of analysis in economic science.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nobel Firsts

For the next 2 days, there will be 2 'Nobel' lists i.e lists concerning Nobel Prize Winners. Today, we will see the First Nobel Prize Winners in their respective fields with their works. Today's list is:

1. Physics: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen won the Inaugural Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for successfully producing and detecting electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as x-rays or Röntgen rays.

2. Chemistry: Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff won the Inaugural Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of his discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.

3. Physiology or Medicine: Emil Adolf von Behring won the Inaugural Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on serum therapy and especially its application against diphtheria, by which he opened a new road in the domain of medical science.

4. Literature: René François Armand Prudhomme won the Inaugural Nobel Prize in Literature in special recognition of his poetic composition, which was said to give evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a
rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect.

5. Peace: Jean Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy shared the Inaugural Nobel Prize in Peace. Jean Henry Dunant was founder of the International Committee of Red Cross, Geneva and Passy was the founder and president of the First French Peace Society called Société française pour l'arbitrage entre nations.

6. Economics: The first Nobel Prize in Economics or The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969 was shared by Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What we know about H2O

Today is the World Water Day and on this occasion, let us see something about this ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen and is vital for all known forms of life. Clean, fresh drinking water is essential to human and other lifeforms. As water is a vast subject to just jot some facts down, the facts presented below are handpicked from thousands of others. The following are some known and some unknown facts about H2O:

1. Here are some basic water-related sciences or studies:
  • Hydrology: It is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water throughout the Earth.
  • Hydrography: It is the study of the distribution of Water.
  • Hydrogeology: It is the study of the distribution and movement of Groundwater.
  • Glaciology: It is the study of distribution and movement of Glaciers.
  • Limnology: It is the study of distribution and movement of Inland Waters.
  • Oceanography: It is the study of the Oceans.
2. Water has been detected in interstellar clouds within our galaxy, the Milky Way. Water probably exists in abundance in other galaxies, too, because its components, hydrogen and oxygen, are among the most abundant elements in the universe. Therefore, water is also present in universe mainly in liquid and gaseous (water vapor) state. Water as vapor is present in the atmospheres of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Enceladus (one of Saturn's moons) in very small quantities (except Earth). Water as liquid is present on Earth (71% of surface) and on the Moon.

3. Recently, small amounts of water have been found on the moon by our indigenous spacecraft Chandrayaan-1's Moon Minerology Mapper (M cubed) which was one of the 11 payloads aboard the mission.

5. Like National Highways, there are National Waterways too. India has 6 National Waterways and they are

1. Allahabad — Haldia stretch of the Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system.
2. Sadiya — Dhubri stretch of Brahmaputra river.
3. Kottapuram-Kollam stretch of the West Coast Canal, Champakara Canal and Udyogmandal Canal.
4. Kakinada - Puducherry stretch of Canals and the Kaluvelly Tank, Bhadrachalam – Rajahmundry stretch of River Godavari and Wazirabad – Vijayawada stretch of River Krishna.
5. Talcher- Dhamra stretch of river Brahmani, Geonkhali- Charbatia stretch of East Coast Canal, Charbatia- Dhamra stretch of Matai river and Mangalgadi – Paradip stretch of Mahanadi delta rivers.
6. Lakhipur to Bhanga of river Barak.

6. Now something on the World Water day. In 1993 the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 as World Day for Water which is also known as World Water Day. This day was first formally proposed in Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This year's World Water Day theme is Clean Water for a healthy world.

These facts are to commemorate the World Water Day that is celebrated on 22 March every year. If any fact is posted incorrectly, be free to comment or leave a mail.