Further Exploration of the Factorium

Friday, February 26, 2010


Here are some portmanteaus that are now part of our English Language. First let us see what exactly is a portmanteau: This word was coined by Lewis Caroll in his book 'Looking Through the Glass'

Portmanteau also known as 'frakenword' is pronounced as pɔːtˈmæn.təʊ.This word was coined by Lewis Caroll in his book 'Looking Through the Glass'. A portmanteau or portmanteaux is formed when we combine two words. A best example is that of our blog. The name of the blog is a portmanteau which is formed when we add Facts and Emporium together. This forms 'Factorium' or an emporium of facts. Here is a list of some Portmanteaus:

1. Alphabet: Alpha + Beta
2. Spork: Spoon + Fork
3. Liger: Lion + Tiger
4. Smog: Smoke and Fog
5. Hinglish: Hindi + English
6. Emoction: Emotion + Icon
7. Brunch: Breakfast + Lunch
8. Pixel: Picture + Element
9. Outpatient: Outside + Patient
10. Motel: Motor+ Hotel
11. Animatronics: Animation + Electronics
12. Modem: Modulator + Demodulator
13. Telecast: Television + Broadcast
14. Transistor: Transfer + Resistor
15. Joggling: Jogging + Juggling
16. Alphanumeric: Alphabetic + Numeric
17. Cellophane: Cellulose + Diaphane
18.Motorcade: Motor + Cavalcade
19. WiFi: Wireless + Fidelity
20. Blog: Web + Log

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